Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Six benefits of raw foods.

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There are many benefits to eating raw foods.  The majority of my diet is composed of raw fruits and vegetables and has been for several years.  Ever since I began to eat this way on a daily basis, I began to experience: increased energy and recovery, eased digestion, less indigestion, and even enhanced sleep.

#1- Higher nutrient levels.  Many nutrients are destroyed at the temperatures required for cooking.  By cooking foods (and especially overcooking foods) many of the vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants can be destroyed, this means less of the things you need are actually getting into your body.  This is why eating a large amount of raw fruits and vegetables can contribute to a better nutrition status.

#2- Better digestion.  Raw foods contain natural enzymes that allow them to be more easily broken down for the body to use.  When we cook foods, the high temperatures destroy these naturally occuring enzymes.  Then it is necessary for our own bodies to produce these enzymes, adding additional stress to our bodies.

#3- Better acid vs. base balance.  Most raw foods are alkaline in nature.  Alkaline foods are very beneficial for the body since the body's regular PH must be maintained between 7.35-7.45 to maintain life.  Alkaline foods encourage the body to stay in this alkaline range, which is optimal for good health.  Acidic foods like meats, dairy, and grains should be eaten sparingly as they can leech minerals like magnesium, calcium, potassium, and phosphorous from your body.

#4- Low sodium.-  Raw foods are naturally low in sodium.  Over consumption of sodium can contribute to: hypertension, high cholesterol, and bloating and water retention.

#5-  Easy to prepare.-  Raw foods take zero prep work (other than maybe peeling a fruit or veggie).  Just peel and eat, or grab and eat is all that's required to eat a raw food.  Of course you can actually prepare a raw meal (raw foodism), but it definitely is not required.

#6-  High fiber.-  Most of the foods you eat raw (fruits and veggies), are naturally high in fiber.  Fiber aids in digestion, weight loss or maintenance, decreases some cancer risks, and helps to detox the body.

If you shoot to make 75% or more of your diet raw fruits and vegetables I am positive you will be feeling better in no time, so give it a try!

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Please take a few seconds to check out my new website Http://www.makeyourbestself.com


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