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With all the talk in today's media about super foods it gets hard to know what to actually eat. Low carb, low fat, high protein, vegetarian, we here these terms tossed around by everyone from dietitians to the trainer in the gym. When I was growing up my mom used to say there was no such thing as a miracle diet and the best diet was a balanced one. Now I've done a lot of diets: the raw diet, atkins, the standard body builder diet, low fat, vegetarian, but the best I feel is when I have a regular balanced diet. When I'm not training for a competition and weight isn't an option I enjoy a caloric surplus with lots of carbohydrates to encourage muscle growth and strength gains, and when its time to compete I do a variable low/moderate/high carb diet to confuse my metabolism and burn fat. I am a big believer that everything in your training should come in cycles. There should be a time for strength, and a time for endurance. There should be a time to learn new technique, and a time to sharpen old ones. But, what I'd like to talk about today are some of the foods that have become a staple in my diet no matter where I am in my training cycle. I'd also like to add that these are foods that I eat on a regular basis, there are many foods that I would love to eat every day or very commonly but budget does not allow me to do so.

1) Avocado. This fruit is loaded with the B vitamins, Vitamin E, and K. Avocados have about 35% more potassium than bananas (very important for athletes). Avocado is low in carbohydrates, but is an excellent source of fiber and monounsaturated fats. In several studies avocado has shown powerful cholesterol lowering properties lowering total cholesterol by an average of 17%. In some studies avocado has also shown powerful antibacterial properties inside and outside the body.

4) Spinach. There was a reason Popeye gobbled this natural multivitamin down when he needed a boost! One serving of spinach contains: 59% of your daily vitamin A, 49% of your folate needs, 34% of your vitamin C, 10% of your calcium, 21% of your iron, 13% of your vitamin E, and a whopping 460% of your vitamin K. Add in 2 grams of fiber, and only 23 calories, and you have a dieters best friend.

7) Blueberry. Blueberries have high levels of vitamin K, manganese, vitamin C, and vitamin B6. Blueberries receive their super food status mostly for their high levels of antioxidants, they have ranked among the highest of foods when measured for antioxidant capacity. Blueberries have also shown promise with anticancer properties, as well as lowering cholesterol. Blueberries are an excellent source of soluble fiber which aids in lowering cholesterol and promoting colon and digestive health.
8) Broccoli. One serving of broccoli contains over 100% of your vitamin C and K, it is also a good source of: fiber, the B vitamins, magnesium, phosphorous, and potassium. Broccoli is another food that has shown promise as a cancer fighter. Men who consumed broccoli regularly throughout life show lower levels of prostate cancer, when compared to those who pushed away this green veggie at the dinner table.

13) Egg. Two whole eggs provide 12 grams of protein, along with about 20% RDA of vitamin A, a host of the B vitamins (including 48% RDA of B12), 15% RDA vitamin D, about 10% RDA of zinc and iron, and 25% RDA of phosphorous. Please ignore the outdated studies that would suggest throwing away the yolk because of high dietary cholesterol, almost all the more recent studies indicate that dietary cholesterol has very little affect upon blood lipid levels. I also recommend that everything you eat be organic, but if you are on the fence about organic produce or just can't afford it, then if you buy everything else non-organic I believe that animal products (milk, butter, cheese, eggs, beef, pork, etc.) should still be bought organic. Organic animal products are: more nutritious, much more humane than factory farming, free from hormones or antibiotics, and better for the environment.
14) Grass fed Beef. Grass fed beef is far superior to conventional grain or corn fed beef in many ways. Just a few of the benefits are: higher CLA content (a fatty acid that helps burn fat, and is also a potent cancer fighter), better omega-3 to omega-6 fatty acid ratio, more vitamin A, more vitamin E, and lower in fat. Beef is packed with Iron, B vitamins (including 110% RDA of vitamin B12), magnesium, phosphorous, and provides 66% RDA of zinc (a very important mineral especially in men as it helps produce testosterone). The saturated fat in beef is also a strong signal for your body to produce testosterone, which is important for athletes.
15) Water. Okay, I know this isn't really a food but that doesn't deter me from mentioning it. Your body could survive for weeks, sometime even months if suddenly cut off from food, but even the most fit person would succumb to dehydration after 3-4 days maximum without water. Water is required for almost every single process in your body and it's importance cannot be over stressed. It is recommended that people drink at least 0.5oz of water per lb of body weight. This means a 150lb male would need to take in a minimum of 75oz of water per day. It is also good to drink at least 16oz of extra water before exercise to ensure proper hydration.
I would like to point out again that many foods that could be considered super foods have been left out from this list, due to either, cost, or not being accessible to me year round. As a general rule the more fruits and vegetables you eat on a daily basis and the less processed foods, grains, sweets, and animal products you eat the healthier you will be. I enjoy organic meats, eggs, cheeses, and milks on a regular basis but by far the best diet is one that consists mainly of fruits and vegetables with animal products in moderation. Please feel free to leave any questions or comments below, and look out for future articles on nutrition. If you are interested in supporting my blog please become a follower, subscribe to my RSS feed, or subscribe to email updates.
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